October Availability

If you are interested in cake pops for the month of October, contact me ASAP! I have very limited availability due to already placed orders and being out of town, so first come first serve!

Contact me at letthemeatpops@gmail.com, thanks!image

June Cake Pops

As mentioned in a previous post, June was full of my son’s 2nd birthday party, so you can see all of those cake pops and goodies in the link provided. Here are the other new designs of the month. Enjoy!

***And PLEASE remember, email is the BEST way to reach me! WordPress doesn’t always notify me when I get a new blog comment. For cake pop inquiries, please email me at letthemeatpops@gmail.com. Thanks!


Camera cake pops in blue and orange for a production company launch party:



Green and blue bow ties and mustaches for a Father’s Day themed order:



Pokemon themed cake pops with Pikachu, a Pokeball, and Clefairy:


Baseball themed cake pops for a Dodgers fan turning 18:



Minion cake pops with a minion themed birthday cake:


Patriotic themed cake pops for 4th of July:
